Functions of the respiratory system

Functions of the respiratory system include gaseous exchange, olfaction and sound production.

The primary function of the respiratory system is the intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide. The organs play an important part in the life of every cell in your body and without them there  would be no oxygen for energy. Without oxygen the cells cannot produce energy and will die. Every cell in the body need energy, the form of ATP adenosine trisphosphate and cells need a constant supply. A by-product of cell metabolism is carbon dioxide. If CD accumulatews in cells it can poison the cells so it has to be removed.

The respiratory and cardiovascular systems  work closely together  to ensure there is a continuous supply of oxygen and the continuous removal of carbon dioxide. The respiratory system takes the oxygen from the air and eliminates carbon dioxide and the cardio vascular system transports these two gases between the respiratory system and the body’s cells.

Gaseous exchange: The exchange of gases is called respiration and takes place between the atmosphere, the blood and the cells. There are different phases as follows:

1. Pulmonary ventilation: Air is inspired (breathed) into the lungs and expired (breathed out) of the lungs.

2. External respiration (pulmonary respiration): This is were the blood gains oxygen and loses carbon dioxide. There is gaseous exchange between the lungs and the blood.

3. Internal respiration (tissue respiration): This is where the blood loses the oxygen and gains carbon dioxide. There is gaseous exchange between the blood and the tissue cells.

Cellular Respiration:

Respiration within the body cell: Oxygen and Glucose pass into the cell, Carbon Dioxide, and water pass out; this takes place in a complex series of reactions, which provides energy to power the cell. During this cellular respiration, glucose is converted to carbon dioxide and water. It’s also known as oxidation) is a metabolic reaction that takes place within a cell. It uses glucose and oxygen and then produces energy in the form of ATP. as we know a by-product of cellular respiration is carbon dioxide.

The Production of Sound:

Sound is produced by vibrating air particles. As we breathe in air passes through the larynx (voice box) where the vocal chords (specialised membranes) vibrate and the muscles of the pharynx, tongue, face and lips convert into words. The pharnyx, mouth, paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity also act as resonating chambers for words.

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