The Endocrine glands serve as regulators, & together with the central nervous system they are responsible for controlling the complex activities of the body. Their messengers, the hormones, transmit their messages all over the body. The endocrine glands are ductless, secreting their hormones directly into the blood stream. These glands can malfunction either by being overactive (hyperactive) or underactive (hypoactive).
Pituitary and its functions:
Think of the endocrine glands as a large management team. Its chief executive would be the pituitary. The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain and is approximately half an inch in diameter. It produces a number of hormones performing many different functions. Effects hard and soft tissue growth.
Dysfunctions controlled by the Pituitary Gland:
Fever is a type of defensive reaction to protect the body. If the temperature of the body gets too high, its well-being is jeopardized. Together with the hypothalamus, the pituitary is involved in the body’s attempt to cope with fever. Fainting; the pituitary secretes a hormone called vasopressin, which regulates arterial constriction. Since fainting results from a sudden insufficient blood supply to the brain, this hormone, and thus the pituitary are involved.
Thyroid Gland:
This gland regulates the basal metabolism of the body cells. It is located in the front of the neck and is h-shaped. Functions: Metabolism refers to the rate at which the body uses absorbed foods. It burns them to get heat and energy for its activities. The thyroid produces thyroxin, a hormone which increases the rates of activity of almost all of the chemical reactions in all the cells of the body. It produces a hormone which effects bone growth. It also controls calcium levels with calcitonin, a hormone which facilitates the movement of calcium into the bone.
This operates in opposition to the parathyroid hormone which increases the movement of calcium from the bone into the blood. The effect of the growth hormone of the pituitary gland is insignificant without the presence of thyroxin.
Tomorrow I will be talking about the Parathyroid…

When having a number of treatments such as 3 short ones a week, the cumulatitve effect can be very beneficial to ones health.